
  • "Ich brauche einen Koffer voller Geld" - Oliver Samwer
  • “During the day, create the numbers, create the business, at night analyse it.” - Oliver Samwer
  • “I need people that get up every day and 95 per cent of all days they feel very happy, they want to succeed,”
  • “Too many people believe their own press releases. Don’t measure success by press coverage, but economic impact.”
  • “The people who email fastest back are the worst performers. Why can they email back so fast?”
  • “Don’t waste it at McKinsey, don’t waste it at Goldman, don’t waste it at Morgan Stanley.”
  • "The guy running a pizzeria works as many hours as the guy building a new pizza chain. What would you rather do?"
  • “If something is a mega trend, it’s like one of those Hawaii waves – the waves are better in Hawaii. You can go ten times to Silicon Valley and be the better surfer, probably the number ten surfer in Hawaii will still be better than you.”
