Vita Sackville-West

englische Schriftstellerin, Dichterin und Gartengestalterin
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englische Schriftstellerin und Gartengestalterin

Zitate mit Quellenangabe


Unerwartete Leidenschaft


Aus dem Englischen von Hans B. Wagenseil. Verlag Klaus Wagenbach 2015. 1948 zunächst unter dem Titel Erloschenes Feuer im Christian Wegner Verlag Hamburg.

Original: All Passion Spent, Hogarth Press London 1931

  • ("Astronomical truths, enlarging though they may be to the imagination, contain little assistance for immediate problems." - All Passion Spent. PT133
  • (" The longliver has triumphed over at least one of man's initial handicaps: the brevity of life." - All Passion Spent. PT12
  • ("Young people compel one to look forward on a life full of effort. Old people permit one to look backward on a life whose effort is over and done with." - All Passion Spent. PT51
  • ("Nothing earns respect so quickly as letting your fellows see that you are a match for them." - All Passion Spent. PT62